Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sprinkles cupcakes :)

So for valentines day I made Chris some red velvet cupcakes..yummm!! I got the Sprinkles cupcake mix from William Sonoma (if you have never had a Sprinkles cupcake, you need to!!) I had a lot of fun making them, and more fun eating them...they were delicious!!! I was proud of myself :)


molliejanephotography said...

Ummmmm. Yum. You do know my addiction to cupcakes, right. Plus, I'm on a diet and so that makes them look even more delicious to me.

jeffandkim said...

Hey girl!!! So I've always wondered...are those cupcakes REALLY as yummy as the ones from Sprinkles? Are they really the same thing?? We've GOT to catch up!!