Monday, May 18, 2009

We will have cute babies :)

Not anytime soon! Mom! But eventually, for sure! weren't we cute as babies ourselves??!!! Little toe head, blue eyed babies :)


Cam and Chelle said...

T- those pics are so cute! I came over to say happy belated birthday! hope it was a good one!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Yes, you will have VERY cute babies. I'm just hoping that I will beable to see and hear them. The older I get the worst my eye sight and hearing is. Then there is my knees, and sholders. Hope I can bend down to pick them up. (get my drift?) hahahh

I want little Irish gasur or Cailin. Now look those up.

Every since I got my Claddagh ring. I'm feeling the irish come out. HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAH